More Happy Visits

As I have warned before, if we get anywhere close to where you live in our travels, be prepared for a visit. This trip we have a streak of two.

The beginning of this trip we stayed in Tallahassee, FL for three nights so we could visit with longtime friend Kevin Goehrig and his wife Betsy. Kevin was one of Josh’s best men in our wedding. We met them at a restaurant and caught up on everything. They live outside of Tallahassee and said their house came with electrical hookup for a RV and offered to let us stay at their place on our way through. As the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for.” Our return trip home we will be at a state park to the south of them and may get to see them again plus another former Publix employee that lives around the area also.

Each trip we plan on a destination/theme (Maine/Leaf Peeping) then plan fun and interesting ways to get there. This trip I wanted to go visit my aunt and uncle in Casa Grande, AZ, just south of Phoenix.

As I was planning our trip I texted to cousin Cindy to find out when their birthdays are, in case either was close when we were to be there. Cindy said she was going to be there to visit in the time frame we were so I extended our stay to see her also. Then I find out cousin Ron and his wife Cindy Marie were going to be there then too! Cousin Chris was not able to get the time off to come, he was the only one we missed. Seems it was Aunt Nancy & Uncle Sonny’s 68th wedding anniversary that weekend!

We visited with Aunt Nancy & Uncle Sonny the first day in the area, had great Mexican food and tour of their retirement resort, so much to do there. We gathered again when everyone else was in town, it felt like we were kids growing up again – talking, laughing. We had so much fun remembering all the places and things we experienced growing up. Went out for pizza and then sadly had to tell everyone good bye. Let’s not wait another 28 years to see each other.

I’m making my way through my address book, look for us in the future.




Rockhound State Park, New Mexico