Visiting Family

As I’m sure everyone can relate, we have Family and Friends all over America. In our travels, as we get anywhere near F/F we try to swing wide and visit ones we have not seen in too many years. Consider this a warning: you never know when we may show up at your door! (OK, we’ll call first)

Since we were heading north from Arkansas, we headed to Sedalia, MO. My Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bud live there so had to stop for hugs. Happy coincidence, Friday was Aunt Nancy’s Birthday (exact age confidential). We met them, Cousin Bill and his wife Darla at a cool restaurant that use to be a Levi jeans factory recently renovated. We had a wonderful time catching up. Sorry we tied up a table for 2 ½ hours. By the way, the food at Lamy’s is very good.  

We have several other travels planned and I think all involve a stop to see people we miss. Our last trip had two different friends penciled in for visits, but their darn work got in the way. I hope you all can make time for visits to F/F, pencil us in also.


Geode State Park, Iowa


It’s the journey …