Chores and Repairs

We have both been campers for most of our lives. I have camped since I was small with my parents and as a child all I had to do was go out and play. Josh said he camped with guy friends with the main purpose of a Big Fire. When we started camping together it would be for a week or so at a time. We had a camp stove or Josh grilled so very few dishes to wash. Also tried to keep the dirt out of tent, that was about the extent of camping chores. I would save most of the real cleaning until we got home.

We have been on several extended trips of up to 3 months and while it is wonderful seeing the country, it is not a get-away vacation anymore. All the regular weekly chores of home have come with us. None of the ‘Lists of Things’ you need to buy for a camper has a toilet brush on it! I will say I have been mostly lucky with finding nice laundromats in towns as needed, only one place gave me the creeps but had no other option.

It is wonderful that Josh is a real Mr. Fix-it. He has an assortment of tools and meters that he has had to use this trip. Too much water pressure at one place led to a blown gasket on the fresh water line into the toilet and he was able to put on new line and fix the leak. He has also been under the sink the bathroom for other water problems in the past.

Also this trip there was an electrical issue at a park in CA that had flooding earlier but was dry now. In the middle of the night things started beeping as the electricity went off and on. 2:30  AM not a good time to work on electrical so unplugged from power until daylight. Josh found a circuit breaker that was burnt, lucky for us no fire! After a 1 hour 15 minute drive to the nearest place to get the size circuit breaker he needed, I felt safe again.

The bad circuit breaker, for those that know, its a 30A single pole thin (1/2”) GE breaker.

I enjoy all the new places we get to see and I hope you like the short glimpse of our travels, just remember to wipe your feet on the mat at the door.


So Big


Update to my Animal Bingo Card