Flowers and Fresh Fruit
Sensenig’s Produce & Flowers in East Earl, Penn.
As we travel through other regions, we try things not always available to us in Florida. One of my favs is Farmers Markets. After going to breakfast with Josh’s mom in Maryland, she took us to two weekend markets in her area. I had plenty of food in frig already, but could not resist more fresh peppers, squash, cherry tomatoes, corn, and fresh peaches. The farmer told me the peaches were the last of the season. I had to stop myself from buying more, it would go bad before we eat it all. Mom bought a huge 25 pound squash to decorate her porch.
We’re in Lancaster County area of eastern Pennsylvania with plenty of Amish and Mennonite farms and lots of farm stands by the road. One that we’ve passed by several times had rows of flowers planted in the field next, Josh said the sign read “Cut your own flowers”. Of course we stopped and I was in heaven cutting my flowers. The girl working the counter gave me a gallon milk jug that had the top cut off to put my flowers in, as many I wanted. I jammed it full, I also have a small vase of flowers in our bedroom in the coach. And Yes, I travel with two vases from home just in case I come across flowers on our trips. I love all the ‘mutant’ mini squashes that are in all the stands along with so many pumpkins of various sizes and shapes, I broke down and got a few of them for around my flowers.
This photo and all that are below are by LeeAnn.
We are still pointed North so I know we will see more farm stands that we will be stopping at. I will be getting fresh apple cider and we are always looking for delicious jellies and homemade pickles. My peaches are almost gone but Josh got some plums that are great, we may get some apples at the next stand.
Happy Fall Ya’ll