Kooser State Park

Barnie inspects our site at Kooser State Park.

We enjoyed our stay at Kooser State Park, located in the Laural Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania. The park itself was part of a series of parks built in the area by the Civilian Conservation Corps. The rustic cabins they built are still being used as rentals for visitors.

The remains of a CCC cabin. Its no longer being used as a cabin; its missing a wall.

The Tree Army Trail at Kooser State Park

LeeAnn poses next to a covered bridge near Shanksville, PA.

I hiked the two trails located at the park, other than that, we were gone sightseeing during the much of the days we were there. In addition to Fallingwater and the Flight 93 Memorial, we visited Ohiopyle State Park, which features the Youghiogheny River Gorge, traveled part of the Lincoln Highway, the nation’s first coast-to-coast highway, visited a farmstand, and Moo Echo Dairy, and local dairy, deli, and ice cream shop. We probably drove 300 miles in three days just touring the area.

LeeAnn walks out of Meadow Creek Farm Market, a family-run farm stand near Kooser State Park.

LeeAnn and Barnie stand on the overlook to the waterfalls at Ohiopyle State Park on the Youghiogheny River.

Another view of the falls

A canoer navigates the falls area. He didn't go down the falls.

LeeAnn mends pants at our campsite with her portable sewing machine. Our across the street neighbors were pretty interested in it. I'm sure it was quite the sight.

At the Lincoln Highway Experience in Latrobe, PA, the give visitors stamped postcards with admission and encourage them to be sent from the museum, as would have been done in the heyday of the road.

The last stop of the Lincoln Highway Experience is a restored diner where visitors are treated to slice of pie and a beverage.


East Harbor State Park

